Welcome to 

Welcome to MAST University created just for you—the MAST Travel Advisor Member

MASTU has been purpose built as a learning platform for the MAST members to engage in relevant educational courses whenever you choose.  All courses are on demand and available to you at your convenience.  The various Xpedition courses are designed for you to go-at-your-own-pace within an 8-10 week window. These courses will provide travel advisors with the sales and marketing knowledge, professionalism, and ethical boundaries a MAST member needs to have for a successful and upright travel professional career. You will be required to participate in each lesson and pass module quizzes to complete each course.  Once completed you will receive your Certificate of completion from MAST University to download and display.  

Elective Business Courses!

You will notice a large library of general business courses.  These are additional elective courses you can choose to take based on your personal needs.  These courses are generally about 15 minutes in length and have been developed by subject matter experts. The courses can be individually purchased or you can buy a bundle of courses within a specific area of study.  Courses can only be taken by you the individual subscriber and cannot be shared with others.  

Supplier Courses

MASTU has partnered with several leading supplier educational programs which are integrated into the MASTU XPedition curriculum so you can access the courses all from one place.  Some of these supplier specialist programs offer rewards that include significant discounts for you and even a free cruise!  So be sure to complete your course and not only reap the reward of having gained knowledge for yourself and your career growth, but some nice perks along the way!  

Any questions? Don’t hesitate to visit our FAQ Page for answers to many commonly asked questions about our program or contact info@mvptravel.com.

Thank you for embarking on this exciting Xpedition with us. 

How To Sign Up

“MASTU” is MAST Travel Network’s new learning platform for travel advisors. 

 Getting started is simple.


Step 1 -  Log in to https://mvptravel.com

  • Next click on “Resources and Training” tab on the upper right side of your menu
  • Then the drop down menu “Training” –
  • Then “MASTU”


Step 2 - On the MASTU Welcome page you can click the Menu at the top of the page to see all the courses offered, Frequently Asked Questions  etc.


Step 3- To sign up for access simply click “sign up” and you fill in your information. 

  • Then you will be emailed a confirmation that you should open with your login credentials
  • Next verify in the email  it is you who asked to sign up.


Step 3 -  login and start looking at all the courses available. 

  • When you click on a course title it will show you all of the content for that course. 


Step 4 – Choose your course and either purchase individual courses or purchase a discounted bundle, once you pay online you have immediate access to the course


Questions: info@mvptravel.com

Welcome again to MASTU!

Thank You to Our Sponsors